The Bigger Picture
Zizzybee Bags are truly the best travel and organization bags, but our company stands for much more. Take The Plastic Pledge was started to educate the world on the astounding facts about plastic and our planet. Facts like one of five floating garbage plastic patches in our world ocean is the size of two Texas states and weighs as much as 500 jumbo jets.
Secondly, the pledge offers an easy call to action for individuals to act and make a real difference.
Finally, we built the first ever plastic alternative multi-vendor gift shop so that 1) those who take the pledge can easily find plastic alternatives and when buying gifts for others have a one-stop shop for cool eco products, and 2) a portion of sales can be donated to The Ocean Clean Up Project.
So we did just that and here we are…with over 100k on our email list and a goal to reach 1 million pledgers, we are excited to be on this journey to WIN THE WAR ON PLASTIC.